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To whomever this may concern,

My name is Mike Oliver, I work for Alcoa at 1he lntalco plant in Ferndale Washington. I am currently the Casthouse Technical Coordinator and have 30 years of experience in casting. We cast 18 million pounds of Air-Slip Billet in diameters 6" to 12" each month, most of which is in the 7" to 1 0" range.

As you probably know Pyrotek has had most of the market for producing and selling Transition Plates for Wagstaffs Air-Slip and is the OEM transition plate. For the last 7-8 years other suppliers have tried to produce a Transition Plate

to compete with Pyrotek. I have trialed most of these products, some performed OK but none as well as Pyrotek's N-17. Until now! The recently developed UlTRA TEMP-AL has surpassed N-17 inperformance trials. Plates installed in our 8" billet unit were in service for just over 400 drops, this means this one t-plate had over 500,000 lbs pass through it! The mold that which this t-plate was in was removed because the graphite was in need of replacement, when we

inspected the plate it was still in excellent condition. We have since trialed these t-plates in our 7", 9" and 10" tables with similar results. Recently we decided to switch from using Pyrotek's N-17 to this very good performing and competitively priced ULTRA TEMP® Al Transition Plate. These plates are now a Warehouse stock item here at lntalco. I encourage you to try some you will be very pleased with the results!

Mike Oliver

320 Casts and Ultratemp-Al® 12” maxicast

Still in Excellent Condition


A recent report from a customer in Texas, who was having some trouble with his molds. The client was running Ultratemp-Al® 12” maxicast. While the line was shut down and the molds in questions where pulled and examined. Apparently finding no problems. The molds where cleaned and put back on the table. The customer approximately happily reported that the Ultratemp-Al® 12” maxicast plates had happily 320 casts on them and were still in excellent condition. Everything is back up and running smoothly.

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